What is a cultural program?
Cultural Programming is a powerful tool that establishes creative placemaking for a specific locale. It has been shown to help vitalize communities by increasing economic investment and strengthening social ties among residents, while also affirming the identity and core values of a company.

What is the concept of culture of the program?
Culture is made up of traditions, beliefs, way of life, from the most spiritual to the most material. It gives us meaning, a way of leading our lives. Human beings are creators of culture and, at the same time, culture is what makes us human.
Objectives: The Cultural Society aims at the wholesome development of the students as complete human beings. It also aims at promoting and organizing multifarious cultural activities like the organization of workshops, competitions and programmes (singing, dancing, recitation, drama).
- Cultural activities can include anything from going to the theater or museum, to attending a traditional music concert or festival.
- They can also involve learning about and engaging in customs and traditions from other cultures.
What is cultural program in school?
Cultural events create opportunities for students to showcase their unique cultural heritage and traditions. By actively involving students from various backgrounds, schools can create an inclusive environment that respects and appreciates diversity.